Excellent for Discolorations and Highlights, Lightens 7 to 9 shades Levels Faster and more Intense Lightening Action. Highest quality ingredients, Intense and vibrant color results.
For care and gentle-on-hair results with Argan Oil Enriched Rich Protecting oil System to lock in moisture, with PLEX included Dust-FREE Formula, Creamy No-Drip Formula for Easy Application.
Lifts up to 9 Levels of Blonde in one Step, Controlled and Reliable Lightehing Action, For Brilliant Blonde Results, For on & off Scalp Application, De-Dusted Ultra Concentrated Bleach extra strength lightener.
Kachita Spell Original Guarantee SEAL. Professional Salon Quality and Use. MAXIMUM Quality. Made in USA.
If you’re looking for the best professional hair bleach, look no further than Kachita Spell Powder Bleach grey with PLEX. Excellent for Discolorations and Highlights. This dust-free powder from Kachita Spell delivers controlled lightening (from 7 to 9 levels), making it ideal for all-over bleaching, highlights, or just to knock out dark root re-growth. Thanks to its protective oil system, it helps lock in moisture, a major win since bleaching can lead to seriously dry strands.
Kachita Spell Dust-Free Lightener Powder Bleach with PLEX is fast acting, dust-free and allows full control of the speed, power and gentleness of lift. Total lift control is achieved with the use of any 20, 30 or 40 Volume Cream Hydrogen Peroxide (Developer). This dust-free product mixes quickly into a smooth, creamy consistency allowing for easy application. Powerful enough for fast off-scalp highlighting, yet gentle enough to be used for on-scalp application. Achieve any lift without unnecessary damage to the hair if it is apply in the right way.